- Imagine a VAE
- Now imagine a VAE + PixelCNN, where the Pixel CNN operates in the image space, and is conditioned on \(z\).
- i.e., \(p(x_i \mid x_{i-1}, \ldots , x_1, z)\)
- to condition on \(z\), we pass it through upsampling layers so that it is the same dimension as the image.
Hierarchical Version
- Each stage takes an upsampled latent variable map
- Uses PixelCNN to generate more latent variables (for the next stage)
- The PixelCNN outputs the mean and variances of these latent variables, assumed Gaussian.
- Latent variables for the next stage are upsampled again
- The last layer outputs pixel values according to softmax
Last Reviewed 2/6/25